By now everybody knows that in Bryce you can alt-click on any color picker and get the Colors dialog to dial in exactly the color you want ... right?

These starting color values for various types of lighting sources were taken from digital photographs with the white balance feature turned off. The colors will appear different depending on your monitor.

Values are listed for each of Bryce's four color models.

Starting Color Values



R 255 H 34 H 34 C 0
G 244 S 255 L 226 M 11
B 197 V 57 S 255 Y 58


Florescent (warm)

R 248 H 28 H 28 C 7
G 222 S 248 L 207 M 33
B 167 V 83 S 217 Y 88


Florescent (cool)

R 241 H 38 H 38 C 8
G 243 S 247 L 227 M 12
B 207 V 41 S 182 Y 48


Florescent (white)

R 255 H 46 H 46 C 1
G 255 S 255 L 249 M 0
B 243 V 11 S 255 Y 12


High Pressure Sodium

R 251 H 23 H 23 C 4
G 224 S 251 L 221 M 31
B 191 V 60 S 225 Y 64


Mercury Vapor

R 221 H 74 H 74 C 34
G 243 S 243 L 228 M 12
B 214 V 30 S 139 Y 41



R 255 H 0 H 0 C 0
G 255 S 255 L 255 M 0
B 255 V 0 S 0 Y 0


Sunlight (warm)

R 255 H 42 H 42 C 0
G 255 S 255 L 227 M 0
B 200 V 54 S 255 Y 55

Lighting Types and Photo-realistic Images

Wolfie has some great tutorials on lighting at Wolfies Den. There is also a description of some global illumination techniques in the notes for the Ed 'n Mac image.

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